National Grid Works on Behalf Fabricon
We have recently assisted in the construction of a new boiler house and slab to support pumping equipment. This was then surrounded by a retaining wall with a palisade fence placed on it.
EPCO.UK also assisted with groundwork and various other roles during construction.
Entrance Gate
This consisted of a 7 meter decending slab. All slabs on this site were brush finish. Either side of the ramp are two small retaining walls.
Pump House
Pump house holding the boilers.
Water Pipes
Water pipes running from boiler house.
Phase 2
Prepared ground ready for a slab to be poured. Wall shown is the perimeter retaining wall.
Phase 1 Slab
This slab will, in time hold the supports for the gas pipes.
3 Adjoining Slabs
Perimeter Wall